Crosslink Capital, Inc. (“Crosslink”) was recently informed that someone or an organization has been impersonating it and one or more of its employees on the mobile application WhatsApp.
Crosslink does not market its services and Crosslink and its employees do not provide investment advice through WhatsApp or any similar social media messaging application, and anyone who does so purporting to act in Crosslink’s name or the name of any of its employees is not in any way connected to Crosslink or Crosslink Capital Management, LLC. Crosslink employees provide investment advice only through Crosslink. Crosslink provides investment advice only to investment funds or clients, in each case, with whom it has entered into a written contract. Crosslink does not provide investment or other advice to non-clients.
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February 11, 2021
Back in November 2017, Cleveland Cavaliers star Kevin Love had a panic attack during a home game against the Atlanta Hawks.
“I was having trouble catching my breath,” he wrote in a piece for The Players’ Tribune the following March. “It’s hard to describe, but everything was spinning, like my brain was trying to climb out of my head. The air felt thick and heavy. My mouth was like chalk. I remember our assistant coach yelling something about a defensive set. I nodded, but I didn’t hear much of what he said. By that point, I was freaking out.”
Here was a pro athlete, among the best of the best, and he was openly talking about his vulnerability. Here was a man who had spent the better part of his life building his body into an elite basketball machine, but who had not spent enough time on his mind. “It’s kind of strange when you think about it,” he wrote. “In the NBA, you have trained professionals to fine-tune your life in so many areas. Coaches, trainers, and nutritionists have had a presence in my life for years. But none of those people could help me in the way I needed when I was lying on the floor struggling to breathe.”
Now Love is helping to launch Coa, short for coalesce, the world’s first gym for mental fitness. Founded by Alexa Meyer and Dr. Emily Anhalt in 2019, Coa is a therapist-led, emotional fitness class platform that includes therapist matchmaking, group classes, and one-on-one therapy. The idea is to make mental health a proactive and daily practice—just like physical fitness. Read rest here.