

Crosslink Capital, Inc. (“Crosslink”) was recently informed that someone or an organization has been impersonating it and one or more of its employees on the mobile application WhatsApp.

Crosslink does not market its services and Crosslink and its employees do not provide investment advice through WhatsApp or any similar social media messaging application, and anyone who does so purporting to act in Crosslink’s name or the name of any of its employees is not in any way connected to Crosslink or Crosslink Capital Management, LLC. Crosslink employees provide investment advice only through Crosslink. Crosslink provides investment advice only to investment funds or clients, in each case, with whom it has entered into a written contract. Crosslink does not provide investment or other advice to non-clients.

You can look up investment advisers and their registered persons at: https://adviserinfo.sec.gov/

For more information investing generally, please see: https://www.investor.gov/

January 13, 2020

2020 Investment Focus

Crosslink Portfolio Company

Logos are a sampling of Crosslink portfolio companies

At the end of 2019, my wife Nadia and I were lucky enough to be blessed with an awesome gift heading into the holidays, our first baby boy! So… I took some time off, and in between eat, sleep, and other extracurriculars, I was able to carve out time to think about where I would like to focus in 2020.

In my journey thus far in the world of venture capital over the past 6 years, I have learned a few valuable lessons, one of which is the importance of focus. And I believe focus is becoming increasingly important in today’s environment given the volume of startups being forming across the globe and incredible infrastructure now in place to launch and scale up companies. For clarity, being focused does NOT mean the same thing as being overly thesis-driven or closed minded. I believe that the truly best ideas come from outstanding individuals who have a unique vision into the future, and the passion and fortitude to commit to the grueling task of making their vision a reality. For that reason, I aim to put myself in a strong position to meet these unique individuals so they can articulate to me why their thesis is so compelling and must be a future reality. Read rest here.