Crosslink Capital, Inc. (“Crosslink”) was recently informed that someone or an organization has been impersonating it and one or more of its employees on the mobile application WhatsApp.
Crosslink does not market its services and Crosslink and its employees do not provide investment advice through WhatsApp or any similar social media messaging application, and anyone who does so purporting to act in Crosslink’s name or the name of any of its employees is not in any way connected to Crosslink or Crosslink Capital Management, LLC. Crosslink employees provide investment advice only through Crosslink. Crosslink provides investment advice only to investment funds or clients, in each case, with whom it has entered into a written contract. Crosslink does not provide investment or other advice to non-clients.
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April 27, 2020
When I spoke with Dilip Goswami last year about where he and his sister, Jaya Rao, were taking the company, he briefly mentioned that they’d begun medical trials, partnering with hospitals to conduct trials.
Well, those plans have finally come to fruition, and just in time too. The new Molekule Air Pro RX is the company’s new professional device for health care facilities. Cleared by the FDA as a Class II medical device, the purifier is ready to roll out (literally) right away and has been adopted by Mercyhealth in their facilities.
One glance is all you need to know that this is not your average Molekule purifier. The large grey cabinet (that still manages to sneak in the company’s logo and tagline) is a simple rectangle on wheels, meant to be easily wiped down and quickly deployed wherever it’s needed. Read rest here.